Performing Archives: The Practice of Gathering Residency

The Hemispheric Encounters Network’s Performing Archives: The Practice of Gathering Residency (Toronto, October 27-30) brought artists, scholars, archivists and activists together from Canada, Brazil, Mexico and the US for four intensive days of activity to share methodologies, practices and strategies and ask: How might archives amplify, address, activate, confront, perform? How can the archive be a realm for social and environmental justice? Residency participants took turns leading, collaborating, giving, receiving and sharing through workshops, discussions, performances, rituals and collective meals. With residency participants Hurmat Ul Ain, Tais Almeida, Sérgio Andrade, Nicole Cartier Barrera, Pablo Carvalho, Fernando Codeço, Selena Couture, Jess Dobkin, Claudia Friedel, Joyce LeeAnn, Laura Levin, Sofía Olascoaga, Ribamar Oliviera, Juma Pariri, Jehan Roberson, Shalon Webber-Heffernan and translation support from Firmo Franco Neves Pompeu and Tatiane Sant’ Ana Coelho Reis. Organized by Jess Dobkin, Tracy Tidgwell, and Nicole Cartier Barrera.